
If you are facing redundancy, you need to know your rights and how to achieve the best possible financial outcome. Our leading employment solicitors can advise you on all aspects of the redundancy process.
Generally, if you have at least two years’ continuous service with your employer you have the right not to be unfairly dismissed. Redundancy is potentially a fair reason for dismissal but in some cases the redundancy could be a sham.
Your employer is required to follow a fair procedure which should involve consulting with you prior to making any decision, carrying out a fair selection process when appropriate to do so and searching for suitable alternative roles for you. Depending on the number of employees affected, your employer may also be obliged to carry out collective consultation with employee representatives.
If you are being made redundant and have at least two years’ continuous service with your employer, you are normally entitled to a statutory redundancy payment calculated by reference to age, length of service and weekly earnings. These weekly earnings are capped and there is an overall cap too. We’ll help you understand what you are entitled to.
Employers sometimes offer an enhanced redundancy package over and above the statutory redundancy payment. The termination or compensation payment is often discretionary and conditional on you entering into a settlement agreement. The amount you receive could be significantly higher than statutory minimums. We are leading specialists in examining and advising on settlement agreements. Find out more about our service here.
Talk to us today if you are being made redundant. Our expert solicitors will advise you how to get the most favourable deal.